Kingdom Hearts Cross Union Where Can I Farm Blue Fairys

Hi, Im Kaci. I play too much Kingdom Hearts. If you've got questions, I've got answers.

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KHUX ~ For Beginners

Kingdom Hearts Unchained x Union x is the smartphone adaptation of a browser game released only in Japan.  Though KHUX is a remake of that browser game, it contains more content and will continue beyond where the browser game ended.  This guide will focus on the Global version of KHUX, not the Japanese version which is remarkably different not that different anymore.

Welcome to KHUX!  Let's get started.

Edit 4/26/17: Updated a lot of the guide for the new expansion: Union x[cross].
Edit 5/14/18: So much has changed… O_O
Edit 10/30/18: Updated again for PVP, x3, and Supernova.

Your character name.  You can actually change this at any point in time.  It can only be eight characters.  You can also create a message that appears on your Home screen to your party members.  I'll talk about this later.

You will belong to one of five unions.  Each union has its own leader - called a Foreteller - and each one is represented by a different animal.  Your choice of union will not impact your game at all so pick whatever you feel connected to!  You can also change this at any time later on.

Dress up your character!  You'll unlock a lot of outfits later, some which even modify your gameplay.  You can have six presets that you can change at any time.  You can also change your gender at any time, which is cool.

I often don't advocate connecting anything to Facebook, but it's the only way to back up your information.  It backs it up very well, too.  I have only had to log in one time.  You can also switch games between your iPad or iPhone (or any device) just from logging into Facebook.  I really recommend it.  Make sure to force quit the app on one before loading it on the other!

Now that you're into the game, let's run through your Header Bar.


Header Bar

The Header Bar is located at the very top of every menu throughout the entire game.  This is where you will see your player portrait, your level, your Lux needed to get to the next level, your AP, your Jewels, and your Chat Icon, and your Menu button.

At this point in the game, the max level is 300 500.  You level up by collecting a resource called Lux, which you are rewarded throughout every mission.  The most efficient way of collecting Lux is through raid bosses.  Though leveling up does not upgrade your stats at all, it unlocks Avatar Boards which are essential in growing more powerful.  Your level also dictates which friend medals you can use, but we'll get to that.

AP (Ability Points) is the free to play resource for the game.  It generates one every three minutes.  Most missions in the game uses AP, which really limits how much you can do at a time.  Conveniently, KHUX seems to run 0 AP events all the time.  When those come up, it's easy to do just about everything the game has to offer.  Additionally, events often cost very little AP (usually 5) so it's not that hard to keep up.  Leveling up also refills your AP.

Jewels are the pay to win resource for the game.  These are given out in small doses all the time (for completing story missions, for doing events, for logging in) but you can buy them in bulk with real money.  If you're ever going to spend money on this game, check the Shop section of this guide.

Chat Icon
Clicking this brings up the chat dialogue between you and your entire Party.  Sending a message in this area will deliver that message to all party members  When an exclamation point appears over the icon, you have a new message.  The character limit is really harsh and it censors a lot of words, so if you have a very social party you should look into getting a Discord server.  Discord also has a phone app.

Sometimes you may get an Active Request in a big red flashing bar.  This is to notify you that one of your party members is currently fighting a raid boss and you can help out.  Clicking the banner brings you to a Raid Boss Support Requests page.  This shows all currently active raid bosses except your own.  Your raid bosses appear in the Story section at the far right, on top of the latest mission unlocked.  Raid bosses are meant to be attacked by multiple people; this is where parties come in.  Though the rewards are often subpar, they churn out a lot of Lux, and therefore a lot of levels.  Raid bosses are also the ideal way to grind Lux for solo and party rankings.  Raid bosses are entirely optional and will disappear after the timer runs out.  Getting even one hit on a raid boss will give you the rewards if the boss dies within the time limit.


Player Card

The player card is accessed by clicking your player portrait in the upper left on any menu screen, on the far left side of the Header Bar.  This shows your current outfit, current keyblade setup, coliseum and weekly rankings, Nova level, stats, level, party, title, and ID.  By clicking the arrow on either side, Page 2 will show your in-depth statistics.

Like outfits, titles are unlocked through various tasks within the game.  Your title appears above your name in your player card and also appears in the rankings.  You can change your current title by selecting "Titles" at the bottom left of your player card.

You'll collect outfits through Avatar boards and event boards throughout the game.  You can change these outfits at any time by selecting "Outfits" at the bottom right of your player card.  One thing to note is that some accessories have Perks.  Perks can increase your chance to do things, such as summoning raid bosses or activating skills on medals.  Though this chance is small, it can be useful when you stack accessories together.

Nova is a complicated concept and is best not worried about until later in the game.  Everything you need to know about Nova can be found here.

A party is a group of up to 30 people who play together.  There are a few benefits of being in a party: 1.) you have access to every party member's share medal, 2.) you can fight other party members' raid bosses and they can fight yours, and 3.) party Lux rankings sometimes have substantial rewards.  It's smart to join a group of people you like, but also to join a group that is active.  A good party makes this game remarkably better, especially if they are talkative.  There's no point being in a party that's never there for you.  Additionally, you can only join parties within your union and you can leave and join a new one at any time. If you are having trouble finding a party, Reddit is a great place to start, but the x3 system has a party finding feature now. (Also parties work together to complete weekly missions.)

This is located at the top right of your player card.  Your ID# is unique to your character.  For another player to find your character, as well as to invite you to a party, they need to know your ID#.  Also take a screenshot of your ID# in case you ever need to recover your account!

Spirit Icon [Not Shown]
Next to the player icon that you clicked to open up the Player Card, you'll see a smaller portrait with your Spirit in it.  Clicking that opens up your Spirit Card.  Spirits are a new addition to this game.  They are basically little pets that give cool bonuses and you can dress them up and stuff.  Here's a guide to Spirits.

Missions [Not Shown]
THESE ARE VERY IMPORTANT.  In the upper right, just under the Menu button is a Missions button.  This opens up a list of all the current missions you're working on.  Daily ones reset every day, Weekly ones reset every week, and Limited ones go away after a certain time.  Missions are the #1 way to get jewels in this game, so doing your daily and weekly ones are super important.  Your party also helps with Weekly missions so that's another reason why having an active party is important!

The Menu button on the far right side of the Header Bar drops down into a series of screens for different operations.  We're going to go over those now!



This is your home.  All your party members hang out in this courtyard, often shouting out their "Message" to other players.  The courtyard also gets decorated for events and holidays.  If you tap the screen, all the party members line up and you can organize them by story progress, power, or Lux earned.  Home also has buttons to other areas in the Menu drop down and banners to show the current events, though it doesn't show all events.  The Home screen serves very little practical purpose with two exceptions:

Lux Boost
This button appears in the bottom left of the Home screen, above the Quests button.  Activating this will give your entire party a 5% Lux boost for one hour.  This can be stacked with the other members of your party for a total of 150% Lux boost.  These are best used together so parties will often pick a specific time of day to activate Lux Boost.

I have talked about rankings before.  If you line all your party members up, above their heads two buttons appear.  Selecting Rankings will bring you to the Rankings screen, where you can see where you place in both Solo and Party Lux collecting.  Solo ranking is the amount of Lux you collect versus everyone else in your union.  Party ranking is the amount of Lux your party collects versus every other party in your union.  Each week there are different rewards for rankings, ranging from pointless to desirable.

(The other button that shows up beside Rankings is Party.  This shows your party information and members in a list format.)



This is where the bulk of your play time will go.  Every mission in the game that you can complete - whether permanent or temporary - will be in this section.  Anything and everything that uses AP will be in Quests. Every mission also has three objectives that can be completed.  A premium currency called a "Skip Ticket" - available usually when buying jewels with real money - allows you to skip missions with all three objectives completed.  This is useful for farming materials or evolve medals.  There are also Skip Plus tickets that allow you to skip missions with no objectives completed, but they are much rarer.

These are the main quests of the game.  They are permanent and constantly updated.  They try to tell the story of KHUX, though most of it is filler.  Right now there are over 500 750 800 missions and that number will continue to grow.  As you progress through the story you will unlock new keyblades, which are important to have for later in the game.

Additionally, in the Story Mission select screen, a button in the bottom right says "Proud Mode".  This lets you play through the story again with stronger enemies and difficult restrictions.  Each mission only allows you to use one keyblade: for example, you may be forced to use Treasure Trove.  Furthermore, you will be restricted on which medals can use their Special Attack: for example, you may only be able to use the Special Attack of Reversed medals, or medals with 1 or less Special cost.  Proud mode requires a lot of strategy and a variety of medals, but completing them unlocks three six new keyblades! (Since Spirits were released, pet slots make Proud Mode much easier.)

These missions are available on certain days of the week.  Experience and evolve medals (which will be discussed in the Medal List section) are easily obtained through short missions available only on specific days.  Additionally, Adamantite Challenges (which will be discussed in the Equipment section) follow a weekly rotation to cycle through all seven challenges.  Moogle O' Glory missions are always available and the Cid Daily is VIP only (which will be discussed in the Shop section).  Of course, all of these are subject to change.  Things switch around a lot, but the premise is the same.

Any temporary events - be it daily jewel challenges, weekend raid bosses, or two-week long event medal missions - will appear here.  These are almost always one-time things.  When the event is over, it doesn't come back.  This is how exclusive medals are distributed.  At least once every couple days, you want to check if Events has anything new.  Additionally, Proud+ quests (not to be confused with Proud Mode!) are located under Events even though they are permanent.  They were hard missions when the game came out but now they are pretty easy.

Coliseum [PVE]
The Coliseum is unlocked after your first visit to the Coliseum in Story mode.  It is a gauntlet style "get as far as you can" sort of thing.  Completing the first ten tiers - which is surprisingly easy - usually rewards an outfit and some skills.  After that, you compete against other players - regardless of union - to see who can get the furthest.  Coliseum often has pretty good rewards and is also one of the most competitive elements of KHUX.  All the prizes are based on ranking, so don't expect to place well your first month.  At the end of the month, the Coliseum resets with new enemies.

PVP resets every week on Tuesday night.  You have to use certain keyblades (chosen weekly) and you can't use the same medal twice.  You face off against other players to earn high rankings and obtain Gold, Silver, and Bronze tickets, which are required for upgrading a 6 star medal to a 7 star medal.  PVP rounds are also limited per day, but buying VIP each week doubles the attempts.  The only general advice for PVP is to utilize Defense Boost Max skills and Extra Attack traits.  Also Supernova (see Medals) is very important right now.

Union Cross [Not Shown]
One of the biggest additions to the Union x update was the addition of Union Cross (situated between Events and Coliseum in the above screenshot) where you can play in real time with your party members to complete quests.  Generally, these quests are pretty easy.  At all times, events will be up for Union Cross that unlock limited time Avatar Boards and giveaway items like Magic Mirrors.  Though they can be a little tedious and are not required gameplay, it's fun to get a group of friends together for half an hour and clear out some missions.  When Union Cross boards update (every few weeks) the old ones are gone and new ones take their place.  Keep an eye out for timed exclusives!



This is where it gets sort of tricky.  Keyblades are added to the game periodically and are obtained by completing Story quests that take you to those worlds.  Moogle O' Glory is an exception, where you get it by completing the first of five "Moogle O' Glory" Special missions available on Saturdays and Sundays.  Three keyblades (Sleeping Lion, Counterpoint, Fenrir) are obtained through Proud quests 3, 103, and 203 respectively.  Three more keyblades (Darkgnaw, Missing Ache, Diamond Dust) are obtained through Proud quests 328, 378, and 428 respectively.

Leveling Up
Though your medals are strong, all of your power comes from your keyblades.  Each keyblade has five slots that you can put your medals into and each slot has a multiplier.  These multipliers are the source of most of your damage so you want to level your keyblades up all the time to increase the multiplier.  There are three ways to level up a keyblade, so let's talk about them:

  1. From +1 to +20, you need Mythril Shards, Materials, and Orichalcum.  Mythril Shards are obtained from completing the third objective in each Story mission.  Though they are finite in number, you get more than enough to level up every keyblade.  Materials are gathered in the keyblade's associated world.  In other words, to level up Three Wishes, you need to get materials from Agrabah.  Alternatively, materials can be obtained through material missions set during a specific day of the week, in the Special quests area.  For instance, you can get Three Wishes materials on Wednesday.  Moogle O' Glory is an exception, wherein you have to complete Missions 2-5 in the MoG Special missions to get its materials.  Orichalcum are needed in two instances per keyblade.  These are obtained by completing Story missions in multiples of 25.  That means in 100 missions, you'll get 4 Orichalcum.  Additionally, there is one Orichalcum in the Proud+ Quest #3 for Power (in Events) and one in the Moogle O' Glory materials Mission 1.
  2. From +21 to +25, you need Adamantite.  These are obtained only from Adamantite Challenges.  Each day the challenges for a different keyblade are up, with five missions per keyblade.  Don't feel obligated to use the appropriate keyblade even though there's an objective to do so.  When you get an Adamantite, you don't have to use it on the associated keyblade.  That is, if you get two Adamantite from the Lady Luck challenges, you can use them on Olympia.
  3. From +26 onward, you need Gems.  Gems come in three varieties: Speed, Power, and Magic.  These are rewards from events such as weekly solo Lux rankings, high score challenges, and Coliseum rewards.  Unlike the others, these are in limited supply and you won't always have enough to level up every keyblade evenly.

The first set of Proud keyblades level up a little differently.  They use Electrum Ore, which are exclusive to Proud Mode.  Completing 100 missions will level any Proud keyblade to +25.  This means completing mission 300, all three keyblades will be +25.  Leveling past +25 requires Sun Gems, which come from Proud+ Quests (in Events) #4 and onward.

The second set of Proud keyblades use Dark Matter, exclusive to Proud Mode, but only require 50 missions each.  In other words, by mission 475, all three will be +25.  Leveling past +25 requires Moon Gems.  Unlike Sun Gems, which have a dedicated mission, Moon Gems are rewards for events.  They are extremely rare.

At this point, due to shortages on Gems, you'll want to focus on leveling one or two specific keyblades past +25.  The Proud Mode keyblades (Sleeping Lion, Counterpoint, Fenrir, Darkgnaw, Missing Ache, Diamond Dust) are the strongest.  They are single type (see below).  For a more versatile keyblade, Fairy Stars and Starlight hold up well.  Stroke of Midnight is okay, if you have the right medals.  The rest should stay at +25. (Edit: If you are focusing on PVP, taking some keyblades to around +30 is acceptable!)

Keyblade slots - at high levels - are all imbued with a type.  If the medal in that slot is not the same type as the slot itself, it won't get the multiplier bonus.  These types are Power, Speed, and Magic, where power is red, speed is green, and magic is blue.  Putting a Speed medal in a Power slot will work, but the Speed medal will not get the multiplier bonus from that slot on the keyblade.  Generally, you want to make sure you're using the same type medals as slots since multipliers are so much of a medal's damage.  However, in instances of buff medals, where the medal is not intended to do damage, matching these types is less important.  Pet slots have no type and can use all medals equally!

Types also have strengths and weaknesses.  Power is strong to Speed but weak to Magic.  Speed is strong to Magic but weak to Power.  Magic is strong to Power but weak to Speed.  This infographic is in the bottom left of your equipment page, as well as most mission screens and always in a mission.  Don't worry about having it memorized.

Once you start upgrading your keyblades with Adamantite, you'll see that the slots start to get either a gold or purple circle.  This is an additional multiplier bonus given to a medal if it matches the medal's alignment: either gold for Upright, or purple for Reversed.  Generally, this represents the Light and the Dark.  Medals with a gold boarder are considered "Upright" where medals with a purple/black boarder are considered "Reversed".  Mismatching the alignment but matching the type will result in a lesser bonus, but matching the alignment without matching the type gives no bonus at all.  In other words, Type is the most important, but if you want to maximize damage, keeping Upright and Reversed medals in mind is important.  Upright and Reversed have no additional advantage other than the multiplier slot they reside in.

Cost [Edited]
Cost is not that important anymore, so I am going to simplify the description.  Each medal on a keyblade has a certain cost to use - usually 46 - and your maximum cost can increase to 223.  But adding Cid medals to a medal with cost will reduce it by 1 to a maximum of 20.  Since this reduces medal cost to 26 and there are only five slots, you only need 130 cost on your keyblades.  Cids are extremely common on event boards.


Avatar Boards

Avatar boards are outfits that are unlocked by leveling up.  Every two to seven levels you'll unlock two new boards: one blue one (for boy characters) and one pink one (for girl characters).  The avatar pieces unlocked on these boards are limited to that specific gender (and often they are identical for both the pink and the blue boards), but the other nodes (cost, HP, AP, Cids, Chips, Dales, etc.) are usable regardless of gender.  These nodes are the ONLY WAY to increase your HP, AP, and Cost!  They are VERY important!

Clicking on a board opens it, showing the pathways you can take to unlock the different nodes.  Using Avatar Coins - a currency rewarded from completing Story missions, weekly ranking events, and selling medals with guilt dots (see Medal List) - you can unlock these nodes.  Avatar Coins are very common, but also finite, so you need to be spending them wisely early on.

Though the completionist in you may be tempted to unlock every node on every board, this is very unwise.  The primary purpose for each board is to unlock the Cost node, as well as the HP and AP nodes.  Generally, these are the first three nodes on each board.  As we've discussed, Cost is radically important not really important.  But you should get the Cost node on every board no matter what the outfit or gender limitation is.  That being said, if you run into a few boards where you absolutely love the outfit, go ahead and buy it!  You won't back yourself into a corner by fully purchasing a few avatar boards.

After level 200, avatar boards stop giving cost with three exceptions: there is one cost on both level 210 boards and on the blue level 220 board.  They start giving you Chips, Dales, and Cids instead, though you'll still find HP and AP nodes.

Premium Boards
Paid boards (or premium boards) are boards unlocked by spending jewels.  During events, these boards will sometimes show up with unique outfits, skills, and medals.  They are offered for a limited time and the decision to purchase it or not is highly subjective.

While the paid event boards do not cost Avatar Coins, each node on the permanent ones cost one coin a piece.  This isn't a big deal, but it should be noted.


Medal List

Medals are the point of the game!  They are a few different kinds that we will go over: damage medals, buff medals, EXP medals, Evolve medals, Utility medals, and Friend medals.  Your Medal List can only hold a certain amount of medals, which can be increased in the Shop section.  You can also sort and filter your medal list.  Pro tip: sorting your medals by highest cost will actually put any 6* medals with cost reduction (Cids) ahead of the medals without!  This can be handy in organizing your useful 6* medals.

Damage Medals
These are the bread and butter of the game.  Almost every medal you get will be a damage medal.  These are obtained primarily through events and "Pulls" from the shop (which will be discussed in the Shop section), though some are farmable.  The point of these medals is to do as much damage as you can.  By clicking a medal (or long pressing a medal in other menus such as the Friend or Equipment sections) you can open it up to see its stats.

The type and alignment (as discussed in Equipment) are obvious in the picture on the right, but the type is also listed in the top left under the number and name of the medal.  Beneath that is the medal's level and how much experience is necessary to get it to the next level.  Medals can level up to 120 at 7*, 100 at 6*, 80 at 5*, and so on.  Leveling up a medal increases the strength and defense of a medal.

STR (strength) and DEF (defense) show how much damage the medal does, as well as how much it contributes to your defense when you are attacked.  Beneath that is the medal's cost.

The next section shows the Special Attack.  In combat, you can either tap an enemy, swipe to hit all enemies, or drag the medal from your wheel to activate its Special Attack.  This will add a damage multiplier to its strength and use up a certain amount of Special Gauges.  The multiplier and required gauges are listed in this Special Attack section of the medal.  Additionally, any extra information about the Special attack is listed here, such as how many hits it does or if it enhances strength or defense.  Lastly, the little square next to the words Special Attack indicates if the attack is Single Target, Area of Effect, or Random.  ST attacks hit only one enemy, which you can select, and are represented by a small yellow explosion.  AOE attacks hit all enemies in the group and is represented by the explosion surrounded by arcs of wind.  Random attacks are ST attacks that hit whatever they want and are represented by three green explosions.

The dots and sigil on the right hand side of the Special Attack area are called the Special Attack Bonus, though everyone in the community uses the Japanese name for the mechanic: "Guilt".  Guilt is a very important part of damage at high levels, and once you're further into the game you should check out this guide on how to manage it.  In short, all you need to know now, is not to throw away medals you get from Pulls.

Beneath the Special Attack section is the Skill section.  This is an additional effect your medal can have added to it.  It levels up with use and has a certain percent chance to trigger.  What the skill does is listed at the bottom of the Skill area, and is often very self explanatory.  These will be discussed a little more in the Utility section.

There are four more buttons of importance on a medal: Share, Level Up, Evolve, and Lock.

Share - located at the top left of the picture - marks that medal as your Friend medal to share with your party.  You can only have one of these at a time.

Level Up - located at the bottom left of the picture - allows you to increase your medal's level by filling it with other medals or EXP medals.

Evolve - located at the bottom right of the picture - allows you to trigger the medal's evolution from a 1* to 2*, a 2* to 3*, and so on.  7* medals do not have this button.

Lock - a toggle located at the upper right of the picture - allows you to lock a medal so it cannot be sacrificed or sold on accident.  Do this to any medal you want to keep.  You can always unlock it later.

Edit: In the Union x update, the Trait system was added.  Read this guide for more information.

Edit: Certain special medals also have Supernova, which provides you a Nova-like ability in combat that does a lot of extra damage.  This is only available on specific medals and how many of those medals you have on a keyblade dictates how many times you can use this ability.

Buff Medals
Buff medals are a subset of damage medals, but their Special Attack ability is used to enhance other medals instead of doing actual damage.  They are very important later on in the game.  The first ones you'll encounter are Hayner, Pence, and Olette, who increase the strength of two medals by one tier.  Later medals - such as Illustrated Kairi - increase the strength of all medals for one turn by three tiers!  You can see how important these get to be.  They also don't have to be placed in the right type slots on keyblades since multipliers only influence damage.

There are a few types of buff you need to be aware of:
Strength Up: this enhances your strength, up to seven times
PSM Strength Up: this enhances your type-strength (power, magic, speed) up to seven times.  This stacks with Strength Up.
Defense Down: decreases the defense of your enemy, up to seven times
PSM Defense Down: decreases the type-defense (power, magic, speed) of your enemy up to seven times.  This stacks with Defense Down.

New buffs were also added recently:
Upright/Reverse Strength Up: enhances the strength of upright or reverse types, up to seven times.  This stacks with other Strength Up buffs.
Upright/Reverse Defense Down: decreases the type-defense (upright, reverse) of your enemy up to seven times.  This stacks with other Defense Down buffs.

**The six buffs listed above represent doing perfect damage!**

Cure: Refills some to all of your health.  Available in three tiers.

There are Special Attacks that use these buffs in other ways, such as removing defense from a target, mirroring a target's buffs on you, or clearing yourself of status ailments.  Some medals are damage medals with buff and debuff bonuses!  It's important to read the descriptions in the Special Attack section of each medal.

EXP Medals
Though medals can be leveled up by sacrificing other medals, this is often incredibly inefficient.  The only medals that really give any significant level ups are the ones you get from Pulls and you want to hold onto those for guilting.  This is where EXP medals come in.

There are three categories EXP medals:
Huey - levels up Power medals
Dewey - levels of Magic medals
Louie - levels up Speed medals

Though each Nephew can level up any medal they want, the above is most efficient.  Each Nephew comes in four different medals: a 1*, 3*, 5*, and 6* version, where the more stars the more EXP given when sacrificed.  These are rewards for just about everything: story missions, raid bosses, events… but the most practical one is the Special mission, which gives 5* and 6* versions every time.  The down side: these Special missions are only available on specific days of the week, as discussed in Quests.  When these days are up, you should stock up on EXP medals, since they stack up to 99!  0AP weeks are great for this because the missions are so short and easy to do.

There's one more EXP medal you often get from completing Event boards: Huey&Dewey&Louie.  This is equally useful on all medal types and gives a massive amount of EXP.

Evolve Medals
Evolve medals are used to evolve a 1* to 2*, 2* to 3*, and so on.  To use evolve medals, the medal you are evolving has to be at its maximum level.

1* - 2*: 1 Cheshire Cat
2* - 3*: 2 Merlins
3* - 4*: 3 Fairy Godmothers
4* - 5*: 2 Yen Sids & 2 4* Fairies
5* - 6*: 3 Fantasia Mickeys & 2 5* Fairies
6* - 7*: 5 Blue Fairies (appropriate Guilt)

This is a little more complicated than it looks.  Firstly, the Fairies are type-specific.  If you want to evolve a Power medal you need Flora, but if you want to evolve a Magic medal you need Merryweather.  Speed medals need Fauna.  What makes this even worse is that a 4* Fauna is not the same as a 5* Fauna.  This means there are six different types of Fairies, plus five types of evolve medals, giving a total of 11 evolve medals!

Secondly, these things are incredibly irritating to find.  Though you can often get Cats, Merlins, and Godmothers from story missions, Yen Sids and Mickeys can be very rare (though there are missions that you can farm).  With the exception of raid bosses, Fairies are even less predictable.

Luckily, on the same day as the EXP quests, you can get Fairies in the Special missions!  This means you have to wait until either Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday depending on your type, but it's easier than grinding out story missions for hours at a time.  The other five can be gotten on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays from Special missions as well.

Finally, Blue Fairies are specific for evolving a 6* medal to a 7* medal, but there are 8 different kinds: one for each level of Guilt.  In order to evolve a 6* Tier 8 medal to 7*, you need five Tier 8 Blue Fairies.  Blue Fairies can only be acquired through Ticket Pulls by spending Gold, Silver, or Bronze tickets.  Right now, the primary way to get these tickets it though PVP and Limited Time Missions.  Each ticket gets you 5 random Blue Fairies, but higher Guilt means less chance to pull.

Utility Medals
There are five types of utility medals worth mentioning and we've already discussed Cids, which reduce the cost of a medal up to a maximum of 20.  Cids also come in Cid 5 and Cid 10, which do exactly what you'd expect.  Chips and Dales are similar to Cids in that they can be applied to 6* medals, but instead of reducing cost, they boost strength and defense respectively to a maximum of 1000 (though Prime medals allow +2000 instead).  This means a 7000 strength medal can turn into an 8000 strength medal.  They come in three varieties each: one which gives +5, one which gives +25, and one which gives +150.  They are always on the Coliseum boards, Weekend Raid boards, and almost every Event board.  Cids, Chips, and Dales can be evolved into higher versions of themselves to save on space.

The third type utility medal is Moogles.  Sell these for munny - that's all they are good for.

Magic Mirrors - the fourth utility medal - is used for leveling up Guilt.  Read the Guilt Guide in the Damage Medals section above.  Fantasia Mickey B (Mickey & Brooms) can also be found in the Guilt Guide.

Lastly, skill medals (called Scrooges, as Scrooge is the portrait for the medal).  These guarantee a skill will be applied to whatever medal you sacrifice it to.  While you can transfer skills from medal to medal by sacrificing one to the other, often you don't want to sacrifice one of your good medals just to transfer a skill.  This is where skill medals come in.

We won't get too into skills since they are often self-explanatory, but I'll list a few important examples:
Attack Boost: Enhances your damage done.
Defense Boost: Nullifies a part of damage taken.
Attack Boost All: A bad joke that should never be acknowledged.
Second Chance: You come back to life if you die.
Status: Poison does damage at the end of every turn.  Paralysis has a chance to take away the enemy's attack.  Sleep guarantees the enemy cannot attack but wakes up if hit.
Status +: The same as above, except these can also apply to targets with swipe and Special Attack hits.  They only last for one turn instead of two.
Cost 0 /1 / 2: Reduces the Special Gauge cost of a medal's Special Attack.
Lux+/++: Increases Lux gain based on damage the medal does when this skill is activated.  Good for leveling up or weekly rankings.

Friend Medals
Though Friend medals are not in the Medal List section, they are important to remember.  When you go into a mission, you'll be asked to choose a keyblade and then a friend medal.  This is where you can select any of your party's "Shared" medals, as well as a small handful of random shared medals within your union.  Any share medal you get at random that isn't from your Party will usually be within 20 levels of you.  This means to get the best share medals in the game, you need to level up.

Friend medals are a little complicated.  Unlike your keyblade medals, there is no multiplier slot for a friend medal, which makes it less powerful.  But there is a multiplier for each Friend medal factored in based on keyblade level.  Roughly, a level 2 keyblade has about a x1.04 friend slot, while a level 20 keyblade has about a x1.30 friend slot.

A friend medal TVA+1000 is as follows on different keyblade levels:
+5: 9050 ~ x1.13
+22: 11076 ~ x1.38
+25: 13198 ~ x1.64
+26: 13487 ~ x1.68

The important thing to take away from this is that a friend medal is important when playing the game, as well as which friend medal you share for your party.  But the overall strength of a Friend medal is a little less than half of what one of your medals will do in damage.  Buffs that will persist into the next turn and status ailments are often good contenders for friend medals, as well as high damage high guilt medals that don't need to rely on your multiplier slots to be useful.



This is where you spend, and subsequently buy, jewels.  I won't drag this out too long because there's only so much information you need to know.

Pulling for new medals is called a Pull.  You spend jewels on this and you're given medals in return.  There is basically no way to go about this game without spending jewels, though you can rely on free jewels and events to keep you from spending real money.

Always be looking for 'mercy' pulls, which guarantee a medal within a certain number of draws.  Chasing after medals without a mercy is usually a waste of jewels.

If you're unsure whether or not to pull, click the "Medals" button beneath the banner or go to "Settings > Notices" and see what the current deal is offering.  Your keywords are Epics and dots "mercy" and "trait medal". Unfortunately, these pulls are highly subjective.  If there are any specific questions, feel free to send me an Ask on kingdomheartsfaq.tumblr and I'll tell you anything you need to know!

Blue Fairy ticket pulls are also in the Shop section.  See Evolve Medals above to understand more about them.

On top of spending your jewels on avatar boards and pulls, you can also increase your storage capacity by 5 slots for 100 jewels, up to 900 1500.  It's better to buy extra storage than to sell tier 3 and higher medals you could be using for guilt.

Purchase Jewels & VIP
If you decide to take the (admittedly slippery) step out of Free to Play, this is where you do it.  You can spend real money to get jewels, which come with a reward called a "Skip Ticket" that you usually can't get anywhere else.  Skip Tickets - as I've said - allow you to complete any mission you have finished all the objectives on.  If you get these skip tickets, you should save them for the tedious missions.

Though the absolute best way to spend money on KHUX is the "Discounted Jewel Pack Weekly Jewel Extravaganza".  This gives you 3000 jewels for the price of 1700 ($15 USD).  It unlocks ALL the Special quests - the ones limited to specific days of the week - for the entire week! (Make sure you do this on a Monday since the week resets Sunday night.)  If you ever have a week off work or you're trapped inside during a snowstorm, this is a great way to farm up all the EXP medals, Evolve medals, and materials you need for a while!

Additionally, this unlocks something called VIP quests, which are Special missions ONLY available to the people who purchase the WJE.  Right now the only VIP that is always up is the Daily Cid mission, which gives three Cids a day.  Sometimes they have weeks with extra VIP missions that give Chips and Dales, skill level ups, and Upgrade missions that drop significantly more EXP and Evolve medals than the normal Special missions.  More recently, they've been giving an extra 1400 jewels and VIP exclusive medals too!  Though these are all superfluous advantages, they are much more efficient and less tedious than other options with the same rewards.

Sell Materials
I'm going to talk about munny here because I haven't really mentioned it yet.  Munny is an in-game currency you use to level up medals.  You get munny by selling Moogles and other medals, as well as any excess materials.  Also, at random, a Munny Special mission will come up that you can complete for 30 minutes.  The VIP unlocks this mission for the week, but the Upgrade missions that are sometimes up also have a Munny mission that gives a ridiculous amount of munny.  If you ever get the VIP pack even once during a week where the Upgrade missions are up, you'll never worry about munny again.



Finally, we are at the end of the road!  Settings!  This is where you can change your union, push notifications, or sound options.  There are three important parts of Settings, though:

This shows every medal you've ever obtained.  It's a cool reference.  It also shows your progress with Guilt and Nova, which is explained in the Nova guide linked above under Player Card.

This is your lifeline to the updates in the KHUX world.  You should check it at least every week.  When you load the game it pops up on its own, but if you ever need to check it in-game you know where to find it.

Theater Mode [Not Shown]
Although it isn't anywhere as convenient and to the point as my Theater Mode, you can rewatch any cutscene here that you've witnessed from the story mode.

x 3 [Not Shown]
This new mode turns your phone into the newly announced handheld from Kingdom Hearts 3.  You can look for parties and talk in chats, but by far the most compelling part is Classic Kingdom.  Classic Kingdom is a series of short LCD style mini-games (think Game & Watch) that will be appearing in KH3.  They give jewels if you reach the cumulative score and can unlock a special keyblade for KH3.  Either way, they are fun to play!

Wow.  That was really long.

I hope this helped you in your quest to start KHUX!  If there are any questions that weren't answered by this guide, please feel free to send me an Ask!

Thank you for reading!  Good luck!

<3 KCM

May 14, 2018 with 213 notes


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